What is Search Engine Optimisation?

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of enhancing your website’s visibility in search engines. SEO increases the volume and quality of traffic to your website by ensuring it appears high on search engine result pages.

SEO AdelaideSearch engines rank content based on its relevance to search queries and user intent. To achieve a high ranking, you need to understand the meaning of your audience and create content that answers their questions.


Keywords are the terms that a search engine uses to match content to queries and provide searchers with relevant results. They are also the building blocks of an effective SEO strategy.

A successful keyword strategy has three critical components: research, selection and optimisation. A good Augmentum Digital Adelaide keyword strategy can drive traffic to your website, increase conversion rates and improve sales.

After you’ve compiled your list of keywords, you can create a keyword strategy to help your website rank well in search engines and generate traffic. It can include researching head terms (terms that are searched most frequently) and long-tail terms (terms that are more specific and less competitive).

Choosing keywords can be difficult, especially for newer businesses. It’s best to start with seed words or page-specific keywords and work up to more specialised terms.

It would be best if you also looked for keywords that are semantically related to your primary keywords. These can be found by keyword research or through a tool like Ahrefs.

On-page optimisation

On-page optimisation refers to the techniques you can use to improve the visibility of your website in search engines. It involves various things, including creating content, adding keywords, optimising the source code of your page, and more.

It would be best to consider how you could improve your site’s user experience. For instance, making it simple for people to contact you by phone or email is a great way to increase your visibility and customer retention.

Another on-page optimisation strategy is ensuring that your website’s pages load quickly, which can help your search engine rankings and conversion rates. Search engines like Google consider site speed as one of their ranking factors.

Regarding on-page SEO, ensuring you write high-quality, engaging content is the most important thing. It means that you are writing something visually appealing and informative while also being true to the topic of your website.

Aside from writing good, relevant content, other Augmentum Digital Adelaide on-page SEO strategies include ensuring that your page’s titles and meta descriptions contain the keywords you’re targeting for your pages. These tags are not directly considered for search engine rankings, but they can significantly impact how many people click through your site from the search results.

Off-page optimisation

Off-page SEO refers to everything you do to boost your search engine rankings outside of your website. It includes guest blogging, social media sharing, and link building. These activities will help you rank in Google while increasing the authority of your domain.

There are many different ways to optimise off-page, but link building is one of the most common and effective. It involves finding websites with high domain authority and linking to them from your site. It can be done by writing articles, submitting content to directories, or using forum signatures.

Backlinks are an important off-page SEO factor because they show search engines that your site is reputable. They also increase your domain authority and help Google understand your website.

Thematic keywords are a great way to attract new visitors to your site and build brand awareness. They can also increase the amount of traffic you get from organic searches.

When developing your keyword list, include all the relevant terms your potential customers will be typing into a search engine. It will help your content stand out and ensure you are targeting the right keywords.

Link building

Link building is a crucial component of search engine optimisation. It focuses on building a network of links across your pages that demonstrate your authority in a given field. This approach is vital for attracting visitors to your site, especially for long-tail keywords.

Google’s PageRank algorithm gives a lot of weight to links when ranking pages in search results. It is because they give search engines a sense of how many other websites are related to a page. It is a significant signal to Google about the page’s quality.

Getting links this way is a bit more time-consuming and requires much effort, but it can be successful. If you can find the right community, you can establish relationships and earn links to help your site rank well in search results.

Some of these resources include social media channels, blogs, and forums. It would be best if you also focused on establishing relationships with your competitors and industry peers. It can be done by sharing their content, asking for guest posts, and collaborating on projects.

The most important thing to remember about link building is that it takes a lot of work and dedication. Therefore, you need to clearly understand your goals and how long it will take to see results.

Once you have a plan, it is vital to track your progress. It will help you gauge how well your efforts pay off and determine whether your link-building campaign works.